man i have a stupid project to do.
im really bad with procrastination.
and repeating myself.
and repeating myself.
man i have a stupid project to do.
im really bad with procrastination.
and repeating myself.
and repeating myself.
Hah! You're so lazy, I bet you don't even finish your
get me all pumped up!!
for sleep!
jk i like,
was that even an insult?
Haha it tried
sounds like
No I took down the song I made on heroin cause it got low scores
if i could have sex with this song
i wouldnt, because i believe in abstinence.
jk, i dont, but songs dont have vaginas, or any hole.
im crazy.
also the chords are a little loud.
That's a good thing, kjhsdgf. Sex is the devil!
But, if you look closely at around 2:23, there IS a vagina in between the bassline and the snare drum.
holy entrails batman!
or is it intrails.
the lyrics never make any sense, ever.
but i like how it sounds.
like the word "squiggle lord freezum"
i think that might be my new sn.
Intrails, outtrails, who cares.
Your SN should be "FlappingFloppingFish" and your friends will call you Fff
i think i might change my sn
to a single letter.
kjhsdgf is too hard to remember.
i think i m,ight be high.
kjhsdgf would be easier if it was like kjhgfds or sdfghjk but not kjhsdgf, it makes less sense
...and I KNOW I'm high
scoobity doo-wop
this is jewd.. i mean gewd.
a wee bit repetetive, but w/e.
the one time ive got alot of free time, and im writing reviews.
im such a procrastinator.
and on a side-side thought, i might make a scat song.
jewd joos?
we should make scat techno together. like scatman john.
bee bop bop bodop bo!
i dunno either, guy.
i really dont.
you should get some pr
or we could do a super kick ass sweet mega
im not really a techno guy(im into ze metal)
but i would probobly sound like
Sky Eats Airplane
if i could plug my guitar in.
Yeah dude metal is so much more fun than electronica. I mean the trancy stuff is fun, but nothing feels quite as nice as metal licks spitting out behind massive beats.
i can remember those lyrics!
how do you get the distortion out of a mic when you scream in it?
Turn the input level down.
Age 89
carl's corner, texas
fug da sistme
Joined on 8/4/08