los tips
remember to duck the bass behind the kick yourself so you get the best sound.
lower all of the freq except the high-pitched ones in the shaker, so you get a "sss" sound or a "chka" kind of thing going, and it won't hide behind your music, but be a part of it.
as it turns out, most artists change the values of the parametric eq as the song progresses to push instruments into the background and let others shine..
in my opinion, it's usually for the best to have a pad in your songs, since it fills up silence in the background, giving your songs fuller sound.
i suppose this isn't my most eloquent review, but hopefully every thing will get across ok.
also, don't take everything here as gospel, since music is about changing things up and still having an element people can recognize and enjoy while learning to like the new stuff. henceforth most popular, catchy songs are repetitive.
well, i've probably forgotten some things i wanted to say, but i'll leave this as it is.
good day, sir